Thursday, June 27, 2013

Some Thoughts About Relationships

Never make promises then you break them with your spouse. It is the best way to destroy something good. Tsem Rinpoche

The best way to love someone is to be the best you can be. In all relationships, being the best can only boost your partner’s trust in you. ~Tsem Rinpoche

Love is a word used lightly sometimes. Love must entail loyalty, compassion, genuine care, sharing and honesty. Tsem Rinpoche

In all relationships, honesty is most important. If you are honest, your relationship will grow stronger and better with time. ~Tsem Rinpoche

What you get out of a relationship is what you put into it. You want it to be positive then treat your partner with respect, loyalty, honesty and good communications. Tsem Rinpoche

It takes a years to earn the trust of your spouse, but one selfish mistake to break their heart. Then years to regain their trust again. Just be honest from the beginning and always be loyal. Tsem Rinpoche

There is so much samsara out there, why bring more samsara into your relationship with your partner. Tsem Rinpoche

Everyone has so much pain already. No one is not damaged goods. So why bring more pain to your partner. Love, cherish and respect your partner by being honest and always communicating. Tsem Rinpoche

I am sorry is ok once, twice but not three times. If you are always apologizing, maybe you are not respecting the relationship you are in. Either respect your relationship or create a prison. It’s up to you. Tsem Rinpoche

Love is intentional. So are affairs out of marriage. You choose what you want. But remember, whatever you choose will come back to you if you are choosing for selfish reasons. Tsem Rinpoche

No one forced you to have a relationship. So do not make excuses for hurting your partner. Take responsibility for all your actions starting with your partner. Tsem Rinpoche

When you can’t keep a relationship and it always ends after a while. That is your subconscious saying you really don’t want a relationship but you are using this as perhaps an excuse to avoid some bigger issues. Tsem Rinpoche

All things are avoidable, it’s how selfish we are not to avoid it…Tsem Rinpoche

When we look back and see how many partners we have changed, we can be sure it is a sign we have not fulfilled what we should be doing in life. Finding partners is just a delay tactic perhaps for what we should really be doing..Tsem Rinpoche

Partners and spouses are only ok to have when we are ok. Tsem Rinpoche

Sometimes deep seeded insecurities manifest in us not being able to keep a relationship and we keep changing them. We should work on ourselves instead of finding more partners to hurt. Tsem Rinpoche

The best way to hurt yourself and your partner is when you use them to hide behind your selfish avoidances. Tsem Rinpoche

When you are comfortable with yourself and you can be by yourself, that is when you know you are ready for a real relationship. It’s not about the other person, it’s about how you have accepted yourself first. Tsem Rinpoche

If you hurt your partner in anyway and blame it on a outside reason, it is a clear indication you are covering your deep selfishness. Tsem Rinpoche

You deserve what you give. The universe owes you nothing. But you owe the universe everything. Be comfortable with that thought first and then seek friends. Tsem Rinpoche


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